Placa Snow Head ANYTHING LYT

8 Items

1 099,00 lei

-500,00 lei

1 599,00 lei

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ANYTHING LYT nu numai că face carving o plimbare pe partie ci este și placa perfectă pentru sesiunile de freestyle. Noua construcție hibridă DCT 2.0 are porecla „pilot automat” dintr-un motiv. Placa are patru puncte de contact  cu zăpada, asociate cu o margine mai eficientă in spate. Acest lucru asigură o poziție perfectă, rezultând un control optimizat în toate condițiile, ceea ce face flexarea ușoară. În același timp, ANYTHING LYT este foarte rebel și permisiv, deoarece are o  buna flexibilitate de torsiune. Greutatea redusă din vârful și coada plăcii se adaugă la aceasta, făcând-o foarte dinamică și ușor de rotit. Avantajul tău: mai multă distracție, mai mult timp. Aceasta este placa ideală pentru tine dacă ai acumulat deja ceva experiență de coborare și acum vrei mai mult.


Shape -Asymmetric Shape
Skill -Advanced
Camber -Hybrid Camber DCT 2.0
Architecture -LYT Board Architecture w. Graphene
Flex index -6
Base -Extruded Base

Hybrid Camber DCT 2.0

The new hybrid construction DCT 2.0 has the nickname “autopilot” for a reason. The board has four added con-tact points with the snow, paired with a longer effective backside edge. This assures a perfect position, resulting in optimized control in all conditions, which makes carving as easy as slopestyle. 

Hexagonal Core

Hexagonal Core is a high-tech compound that allows a board to weigh less but maintain its core strength. It is arranged zonally in the construction of selected HEAD boards. 


Graphene is a 2D material that even when an atom thick is one of the strongest and lightest materials on earth. Used zonally in a board it magnifies a board’s positive characteristics. 


Lighter products help to you to enjoy yourself longer on snow. By focusing on the essentials, we are able to provide you with gear, which is light in weight but extraordinary in terms of performance and design. 

Lightweight Wood Core

A new core design, using lightweight wood. This weight reduction transfers into boards that are light, yet long-lasting and full of power. 

True Twin

True Twins are built for freestyle, opening the door to a magic show of both switch and regular trickery. From park to pipe and street to indoor jibbery true twins are where it’s at. 


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Placa Snow Head ANYTHING LYT

Placa Snow Head ANYTHING LYT

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