Noua formulă de succes a HEAD este Formula 120. Performanțe la nivel înalt în partea frontală, combinate cu o potrivire personalizată orientată spre confort, apreciata unanim de specialisti. Formula 120 are o extensie pentru articulația degetelor și o poziție de echilibru Race, care permite schiorilor să fie mai centrati pe pista. Carcasa are un flex ajustabil de 130 până la 120, capacități de aliniere a benzii de strangere și patru catarame micro-reglabile Spine-Flex cu profil redus. Căptușeala 3D Pro Formula are călcâi și glezne care susțin Liquid Fit și o curea de velcro de 50 mm pentru o priza atletică.
Grip Walk Option, Primaloft, Perfect Fit 3D, Form Fit, Liquid Fit
Flex tuning
Cuff Alignment Extended Toe Box Rear support tuning Foam wedge Interch. Toe and heel
Increased walking comfort and improved natural roll thanks to a curved rubber sole. More...
PrimaLoft is a very lightweight, breathable material that provides effective thermal insulation.
Perfect fit is the revolutionary system that ensures comfortable, performance-oriented customization in HEAD’s superb ski boots. The 3D pre-shaped construction has been developed to provide the maximum comfort and optimal adaptation to the foot shape. More...
The FormFit plastics formulas hold stretches better than ever before for a perfect comfort with improved balance and control. More...
The LIQUID FIT material provides the most precise and the quickest customization. The material’s density ensures the perfect mold in the most critical area of the boot, the ankle and heel pocket. It gives you the performance and precision of a foam liner, but as a liquid material, it is takes only 10 easy minutes to customize. PLEASE NOTE: A Liquid Fit ready boot must be customized at your local authorized dealer.